This Choreo lists all availalbe apps available through the SendGrid Web API. The Choreo makes an HTTP request to the SendGrid Web API's Filter Commands/Get Available endpoint, which is described at
Note: Your APIKey is the same as your account password. Note: Filter settings are discussed here:
The following is a sample of the JSON information returned by this Choreo:
"name": "gravatar",
"title": "Gravatar",
"description": "Appends your gravatar to each HTML email.",
"activated": false
"name": "clicktrack",
"title": "Click Tracking",
"description": "Overwrites every link to track every click in emails.",
"activated": true
"name": "subscriptiontrack",
"title": "Subscription Tracking",
"description": "Adds unsubscribe links to the bottom of the text and HTML emails. Future emails won't be delivered to unsubscribed users.",
"activated": true
"name": "opentrack",
"title": "Open Tracking",
"description": "Appends an invisible image to HTML emails to track emails that have been opened.",
"activated": true
"name": "footer",
"title": "Footer",
"description": "Allows you to add a custom footer to outgoing email.",
"activated": false
"name": "spamcheck",
"title": "Spam Checker",
"description": "Check outbound messages for spam content.",
"activated": false
"name": "ganalytics",
"title": "Google Analytics",
"description": "Track your conversion rates and ROI with Google Analytics.",
"activated": false
"name": "template",
"title": "Email Template",
"description": "Allows you to customize your outgoing HTML emails.",
"activated": false
"name": "domainkeys",
"title": "Domain Keys",
"description": "Allows email to be signed with DomainKeys.",
"activated": false
"name": "bcc",
"title": "BCC",
"description": "Automatically BCC an address for every e-mail sent.",
"activated": false
"name": "eventnotify",
"title": "Event Notification",
"description": "Controls notifications for events, such as bounces, clicks, and opens.",
"activated": false
"name": "seedlist",
"title": "Return Path Seedlist",
"description": "For Return Path customers, with your seedlist for delivery monitoring.",
"activated": false
"name": "forwardspam",
"title": "Forward Spam",
"description": "Allows for a copy of spam reports to be forwarded to an email address.",
"activated": false
"name": "addresswhitelist",
"title": "Address Whitelist",
"description": "Address / domains that should never have email suppressed.",
"activated": false
"name": "dkim",
"title": "DKIM",
"description": "Allows email to be signed with DKIM. Cannot be disabled.",
"activated": true